Biometric Data not syncing to ERPNext

When we syned out zkteco data, the dates were coming as future dates and it gave errors like day not in month, etc.

 · 1 min read

ok, I checked your data, and sadly, I don't remember if I found and 8 byte record on the wild or just used the documentation.

according the documentation, the 8 byte attendance log is

typedef struct _AttLog_{
Int PIN; //U16 PIN, user serial number
char verified;// matching way
time_t time_second; // time, time encoding is customized time encoding.。
char status; // attendance condition
}TAttLog, *PAttLog;

so the 8 byte packet should be "HB4sB" where the third element is feeded to __decode_time and produce your wrong data...

luckily comparing with the get_time response, if we switch the packet order it produces a better response, so the fourth element of "HBB4s" produces a date on 2019-10-01 10:34:50

I'll try to dig an old device to see if it's 8 bytes or not, by the time, please change the line 1563 of


uid, status, punch, timestamp = unpack('<HBB4s', attendance_data.ljust(8, b'\x00')[:8])

that should help. (please note the struct change and the response order)

If we can get more devices with 8 bytes to confirm this issue, I'll commit to master.

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Apoorv Soral 2 years ago

On my machine, it seems that the 3rd byte is combined of both status and punch. The high 4 bit is for punch and the lower is status. The 4th byte is always zero in my log. There for in my case, I useduid, status, timestamp = unpack('<HBx4s', attendance_data.ljust(8, b'\x00')[:8])`punch = status >> 4status = status ^ 0xF